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Impact Study of the Araguaia Biodiversity Corridor is highlighted in a prestigious scientific publication

By 19. May 2024May 23rd, 2024News Home

The Araguaia Biodiversity Corridor Impact Study, conducted by a renowned group of scientists from USP (University São Paulo) and the University of Illinois, was featured in Elsevier, one of the most important magazines in the world, specialized in scientific and technical content.

The research seeks to quantify and understand the economic, social and environmental impacts of the corridor, as well as the cost of carrying out this ambitious project. And believe me: the benefits of ecological restoration of these 1 million hectares of the Amazon Forest and Cerrado reach 21 billion dollars!

Read the full impact study here!

Check out some results from this study:

  • The benefits brought by the restoration of the Araguaia Corridor are estimated at 21 billion dollars. To calculate these benefits, we take into account the social cost of avoided carbon (17.1 billion dollars); the reduction of soil erosion (1.2 billion saved) and the additional revenue generated through agroforestry and sustainable wood management systems (2.7 billion dollars).
  • The total cost of creating the Araguaia Corridor is estimated at 2.2 billion. For every dollar invested, the Corridor will bring a return of 9.5 dollars in avoided environmental damage and income generation for the locality.
  • More than 262 million tons of carbon will be captured, which is equivalent to 8% of Brazil’s goal in the Paris Agreement.
  • $15 million in municipal revenue will be generated and at the project’s peak, more than 37,000 local jobs will be created.

Furthermore, the Araguaia Biodiversity Corridor:

Our project is ambitious, but, more than that, it is necessary to mitigate the effects of climate change and the time to act is now! In order for us to restore nearly a million hectares in the coming decades, we need your support.

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Would you like to join us in realizing one of the longest biodiversity corridors on Earth? Become one of the First 600 to join our mission of hope and action HERE.