“With this initiative, we give back to the planet on behalf of the organisation. Today, but also in the future.”

Sandra Ursem

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

About our Company

Contact4You is the preferred partner in multichannel customer service for its clients. Our team of specialists is trained to help the customer through any desired channel.

We provide customer services for our clients by telephone and e-mail, but also by integrating various digital channels such as WhatsApp, chat and Facebook Messenger. Every year Contact4You serves more than 1 million people in their customer journey.

How we relate to the BJF

Contact4You believes that making a difference starts with every single one of us. Sustainability is therefore one of the highest priorities on their agenda. They have  carefully considered all choices and set up work processes to be carried out in a responsible manner.

Every initiative counts, even the small changes. With the environment and our future generations in mind, Contact4You has already started: separating waste, supporting local entrepreneurs, making use of electric cars and working hybrid.

Contact4You strongly believes that supporting initiatives that create a positive impact is just as important as making environmentally positive changes to their own organisation. That’s why they support the BJF. Ecological restoration affects all of our lives. By partnering with the BJF, Contact4You is able to give back to the planet. Today, but also in the future.

Visit Contact4You’s website to find out more here.