“Together, we support sustainable tourism and the protection of Brazil’s natural treasures.”

Gustavo Lucena Lage

Owner of Brazilië Reis Specialist


Brazil Travel Specialist, in short ‘BRS’, is a Dutch travel organization offering a very diverse range of trips to Brazil, specializing in customized travel to Brazil. Unlike other Dutch travel organizations offering Brazil, BRS has its roots in Brazil, as the founder of BRS is of Brazilian-Dutch origin and has been traveling to this beautiful country for over thirty years. We gladly share the many hidden treasures of this beautiful country to provide you with an unforgettable experience during a vacation to Brazil.


Our mission is not only to let our travelers experience the breathtaking beauty of Brazil but also to actively contribute to its preservation. Therefore, BRS chooses to support the Black Jaguar Foundation. This organization focuses on reforestation and conservation in Brazil. By booking a trip with BRS, you directly contribute to their efforts to restore biodiversity and promote a sustainable future. Together, we support sustainable tourism and the protection of Brazil’s natural treasures.