“It fills me with pride that our students have adopted the BJF as their charity project.”

Director – Fontys University of Applied Sciences
About us
Fontys University of Applied Sciences is the second largest institute of higher education in Holland and globally recognized. Their campuses are spread out over Holland with 22 locations accommodating over 1800 students enrolled in Bachelor and Master programs financed by the Dutch government. Despite the large number of students, Fontys is organized in small-scale classes, where each student gets special attention. Following the method of ‘inspiring growth through support and challenges’, the institution prepares its students to ‘think bigger’.
How we relate to the BJF
Fontys University of Applied Sciences certainly prepares its students for the market. But they do more than that. Fontys believes collective values are also important. That is why they have signed a partnership with the BJF, which was adopted as their charity project. Fontys students donate their time to promote fundraising activities for the BJF and simultaneously enhance their skills, adding an educational dimension to this project as well.