“If you really want to achieve something, nothing is impossible.”

Joyce Keizer
Initiator Move4Kids
About us
Move4Kids inspires, encourages and motivates people to take on sports challenges like the NYC marathon, open water swim events and ‘La Marmotte’, the biggest cycle tour in France. Apart from the life changing physical element, Move4Kids links each sports event to a good cause, helping children in Guatemala and Honduras in need. In this way the runners, cyclists and swimmers improve their own life while contributing to the lives of many children in need.
How we relate to the BJF
Upon reading the Dutch edition of the book ‘No Risk, No Life’, Joyce Keizer realized that if you really want to achieve something, nothing is impossible. She subsequently started the Move4Kids foundation, which has raised tens of thousands of euros for Obras Sociales in Guatemala and has since become a BJF Supporting Friend with her foundation as well.